When I got home from work today, I was HUNGRY. My planned dinner was salmon and winter mix veggies (broccoli and cauliflower). I brushed the salmon with some italian dressing, and steamed-ish the frozen veggies and added butter. I was so starving, I just ate the veggies before the salmon was done, standing in the kitchen wolfing them down because SOOO HUNGRY. Then the large salmon filet was done, and I sat down and at the whole thing. And immediately felt like shit.
So, one of three things, or maybe a little of all three: either eating too fast is an issue, salmon is an issue, or eating too much food is an issue. Because I think all three things happened. Now, in the past, salmon has caused a tummy rebellion. In the past, eating too quickly has caused my body to respond by running to the bathroom. Eating too much always make terrible things happen.
I really should eat smaller meals more often. I think my body would appreciate that. But my work just doesn't work well with that kind of schedule. So I do what I can. And I'm learning that even with 3 meals, smaller portions work so much better for me. Its just my brain feels hunger, and suddenly, I need a huge portion of food. That's something I need to work on. And have actively ben working on, actually. I need to try salmon one more time, and eat a smaller piece, and if it causes me issues again, it's off my list of food.
Unless it's raw. Raw fish never gives me problems. Weird.
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