Sunday, February 22, 2015

Lazy Day

Didn't work today, due to my car and the snow, and all that.  So, it was a lazy day involving sleeping in and then making dinner.  Tonight, I made fried chicken, or as Nom Nom Paleo calls it, Cracklin chicken.  The recipe I loosely followed is here:
I also steamed 2 yellow potatoes and 1 sweet potato, then chucked 'em in my mixer (have I waxed poetic about my Kitchen-Aid 600 series Pro mixer yet?  She's brick red, and her name is Gudrun.  I luffs her) with a chunk of butter, and some salt, and made some smashed and mashed potatoes.   I kept the skins on the yellows, but peeled the sweet.  Good balance.
And then I steamed cooked some broccoli and spinach. Added butter.  Butter is great.

I decided I wanted some cream gravy, but I am both lactose intolerant, and not currently eating wheat.  So, I just mixed some corn starch with some plain almond milk, and cooked that with the leftover chicken grease (which was coconut oil, btw). Flavor was..unusual.  Mushrooms in that would have made a spectacular mushroom gravy, but I thought of that too late.  It certainly accomplished what I wanted it to accomplish (gravy for my chicken), but definitely needs some tweaking.

Yup, I'm doing a lot of tweaking.  Someday, a great cookbook is going to come out of this..

Oh, and the oatmeal, I made, which was apple and dried apricot and dried cherries. Used almond milk, and brown sugar.  Used half the brown sugar of what I used white sugar last week.  And now that I've been eating it, I think I can safely half the sugar even more, and be fine.  That's great!
And the oatmeal is so nummy. I might try putting pb in it again next week, and see what happens.  The extra protein is nice, but since I'm paring the oatmeal with the egg muffins, its not absolutely necessary.

Hope your day is going well!

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